Dental veneers are thin shells that can restore the beauty of your smile and give you the appearance you desire. Fortunately, they can do all of these things with a simple, easy, and painless treatment process.
To begin, Dr. David Kim will numb the teeth and the surrounding gums after he examines the smile to make sure it’s good to go for treatment. Then, he will shave the enamel of the teeth to make room for the restorations. Once your teeth are altered, the dentist will make an impression of the teeth. That impression will be sent to the dental laboratory where technicians will create dental veneers just for you.
Finally, when the veneers have been made and sent back to the office, you will come back for your second appointment. At this visit, Dr. David Kim will examine the veneers to make sure they will give you the results you need. If they are ready, he will cement them over your teeth.
Would you like to find out if a dental veneer is right for you? If so, call Dr. Kim Family Dentistry today at 559-585-1519 and schedule an appointment! Our dental team will be excited to meet with you, examine your teeth, and determine if this is the best treatment for your smile. We look forward to helping you with dental veneers in Hanford, California!