Bad Habits Can Cause Chipped Teeth and Other Problems

A chip on your tooth can cause a wide range of problems. Even minor damage to your tooth enamel can create an area for bacteria to grow. As time goes on this could cause a large cavity to form in an already distressed tooth. Minor dental fractures can arise from any number of natural sources. However, there are lifestyle choices... read more »

Are Dental Implants Right for You?

Everyone loves a bright smile. And Dr. Kim Family Dentistry loves seeing people with bright smiles! If you are self-conscious about your smile because of missing teeth, it may be time to talk to us about dental implants to see if they are right for you. Dental implants are a safe, effective alternative to dentures or partials for many patients.... read more »

Is Your Tooth in Danger of Dying?

When a tooth becomes damaged, it is crucial that the inner workings of the tooth remain intact. However, should the root become harmed and place the pulp of the tooth in danger, the survival of the tooth depends on getting the proper treatment. With root canals, damaged pulps can be removed to ensure the best possible chance for a tooth... read more »

Enhance Your Oral Health by Filling in Gaps with Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a highly effective form of tooth replacement therapy designed to accurately fill in voids left behind by missing and lost teeth by directly attaching to nearby or neighboring teeth for a strong hold that will last. Dental bridges look natural and will carefully match the natural look of your teeth. Listed below are just a few of... read more »

Tooth Restorations Such as Dental Crowns Can Fix Your Smile

Dental crowns are a superbly effective tooth restoration procedure that can improve the look and function of your smile by placing a cap over a tooth completely concealing it. Dental crowns are famous for their durability and customization, allowing a tooth that is broken or damaged to remain safe and even function properly once more. For a list of the... read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at Dr. Kim Family Dentistry, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these... read more »