The Wonders of Dietary Tooth Hazard Risk Prevention

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Are you aware of tooth hazard risks in your life that can easily put your teeth in danger? Did you know that your diet contains several products that are hazardous to your oral health along with your physical health? Not only should you be worried about the damage that can occur to your waistline, but you should also take into account the damage that could be occurring to your gum line.

Be aware of various products such as gummy candy or any other projects heavily laden with sugars. Everything including sodas, sports drinks, fruit drinks, or any other products that are high in sugar should be eliminated from your life. Sugar can be converted into harmful acids in your mouth that can cause dental erosion or cavities. Similarly, potato chips and other starchy snacks can do the same.

Also, be aware that constantly snacking throughout the day puts your smile at an increased risk of tooth decay. Furthermore, never use your teeth for any other tasks other than for chewing food. If you try to open stuff with your teeth, including products or bottle caps, you run the risk of severe dental damage.

If you would like additional help with your oral health care from Dr. David Kim, please schedule an appointment to come see us at our dental office in Hanford, California. You are welcome to call Dr. Kim Family Dentistry at 559-585-1519.